The key objectives, therefore, are:
To develop, monitor, evaluate, review and maintain a curriculum for the Bachelor’s degree programmes that reflects the state-of-the-art in the professions and prepares students for work as a member of the health care delivery team.
To liaise with staff in the Ministry of Health in order to provide the optimal environment in the Ministry hospitals and clinics for baccalaureate students to achieve the entry level competencies, through hospital rotations, in their respective profession.
To develop, monitor, evaluate, review and maintain postgraduate programmes (Diploma and Masters) that impart and enhance allied health professionals’ knowledge and capabilities in their professional area.
To develop and provide continuing education/continuing professional development (postgraduate programmes, short courses, lectures, workshops and seminars) for Ministry of Health staff that meet the changing health care needs of Kuwait, and that keep them abreast of the state-of-the-art in their professions.
To recruit well qualified and experienced teaching and support staff who will act as role models for students and who keep themselves abreast with scientific advances in the field and apply the state-of-the-art in all endeavours: teaching, curriculum development and assessment, research, clinical supervision and community service.
To provide baccalaureate students with the necessary support and guidance in terms of counselling, and feedback on academic and clinical performance.
To provide an optimal learning environment in terms of classrooms, laboratories, learning resources and modalities of teaching and learning.
To provide consultancy services to hospitals and clinics in the public sector health care delivery system and in the private sector.
The mission of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences is to educate and train knowledgeable, skillful and committed allied health professionals who shall assume responsibilities as members of the health care team in the Kuwaiti health care delivery system. In particular, the Faculty aims to graduate allied health professionals who have the requisite entry level competencies, meet the professional standards and who shall adhere to professional ethics in their professions. The Faculty also aims to contribute to the development of the profession and allied health services in Kuwait, both in the Kuwait health care delivery system and in private hospitals, by providing consultancy and other services.
Kuwait University established a Health Sciences Centre (HSC) headed by a Vice-Rector in February, 1982. At present the HSC has five faculties – Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Allied Health Sciences and Public Health. Each faculty is headed by a Dean, who works under the aegis of the Vice-Rector, Health Sciences Centre.
The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences was established as an independent college in accordance with the Emiri Decree issued on 6/22/1982 under the name of the College of Allied Health Sciences and Nursing, and in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Education issued in 1985.
The following scientific departments were established after they were scientific programs: -
- Medical laboratory technology.
- Physical therapy.
- Radiology sciences.
- Informatics and health information management.
- Nursing Department.
In 2004, the college's name was changed to the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. The faculty currently includes five scientific departments with sic bachelor's degree programs in the following specializations:
- Medical laboratory sciences.
- Physical therapy.
- Radiology sciences.
- Informatics and health information management.
- Occupational therapy.
In 2022 AD, the University Council approved the activation of the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, and the establishment of the Nursing Department with four tracks specializations in the field of nursing.
In our present era, the various allied medical sciences specializations are considered as essential part of patient health care in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Our country, Kuwait, is considered one of the few countries in the Arab and Islamic world that grants bachelor's degrees for such specializations.
Achieving excellence and quality in therapeutic services and health rehabilitations is only achieved through the availability of a health care team. In order for this team to be able to perform optimal work, all health specialties with high skills in various fields such as health informatics, medical laboratory sciences, and treatment must participate and collaborate. Natural sciences, radiology, and occupational therapy, in addition to other participants in the work of the medical team, including pharmacists, nurses, and specialists in the fields of nutrition and speech therapy, as well as specialists in the social aspect.